How Can the UMC Move Past General Conference?

Reflecting on the UMC General Conference and Season Two Highlights

As we conclude Season Two of re:Brand, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the pivotal moments from the United Methodist Church's recent General Conference and the insightful discussions that have shaped our podcast journey this season. Whether you've followed every episode or are just tuning in now, this blog post will provide a comprehensive overview of the significant topics we've covered and the transformative changes within our denomination.

Highlights from the UMC General Conference

The General Conference was a landmark event for the United Methodist Church, bringing together delegates from around the world to discuss and vote on critical issues affecting our faith community. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Revised Social Principles

One of the major outcomes of the conference was the adoption of the revised Social Principles. This comprehensive update, ten years in the making, involved contributions from over 4,000 individuals and aimed to reflect a more inclusive and just vision for the church. The principles now include language that allows for differing views on marriage, highlighting the UMC's commitment to being a 'big tent' denomination that makes space for diverse opinions.

2. Move Towards Regionalization

Regionalization was another significant topic, with implications for the structure and governance of the church. This move will allow different regions to adapt the Book of Discipline to their specific contexts, similar to the flexibility already granted to central conferences outside the United States. This change, however, requires ratification by annual and central conferences, a process that will unfold over the next few years.

3. Budget Reductions

The conference also addressed the necessity of budget reductions, approving a 40% cut in the denominational budget for the 2024-2028 quadrennium. While challenging, these reductions force us to rethink and streamline our ministry efforts, ensuring that resources are used effectively and that we adapt to the financial realities facing the church.

4. Removal of Restrictive Language on Human Sexuality

Perhaps the most headline-grabbing decision was the removal of language from the Book of Discipline that had previously restricted LGBTQ individuals from full participation in the church. This historic move was met with both celebration and concern, highlighting the ongoing need for dialogue and understanding within our diverse faith community. The removal signifies a step towards greater inclusivity, but also shifts the conversation to local churches and pastors, who now must navigate these changes in their own contexts.

Season Two Recap

Throughout Season Two of re:Brand, we explored numerous themes and issues relevant to the UMC and broader faith communities. Here are some of the highlights:

From Tokenism to Inclusion

We tackled the critical issue of moving beyond tokenism towards genuine inclusion. Through interviews and discussions, we emphasized the need for authentic relationships and meaningful participation for all members of the church, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Innovative Ministry Approaches

We showcased various innovative ministry approaches, including Derrick Scott III’s online campus ministry and Rev. Rodrigo Cruz’s dynamic church planting efforts. These stories illustrated the importance of meeting people where they are and adapting our methods to the needs of today's society.

The Role of Young People in the Church

Understanding that young people often feel disconnected from the church, we delved into strategies for making the UMC more relevant to younger generations. Our discussions highlighted the importance of creating spaces where young people feel valued and heard.

Looking Ahead to Season Three

As we wrap up Season Two, we’re already looking forward to Season Three. Our next season will focus on leveraging social media and digital tools for ministry. We’ll cover topics such as using analytics and algorithms to engage with your audience, creating impactful content with tools like Canva, and exploring the role of artificial intelligence in ministry. We’re excited to dive into these practical aspects of modern ministry and provide you with the tools to enhance your digital presence.

Join the Conversation

Your engagement has been crucial to the success of re:Brand, and we invite you to continue the conversation. Share your thoughts, stories, and ideas with us on social media or via email. Let’s work together to build a more inclusive, relevant, and vibrant United Methodist Church.


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