Small Church Communication and Technology

Hey all you small church dynamos! Ben here with an action-packed episode on juicing up your ministry with technology - even on a shoestring budget!

I know you're leading vibrant congregations with limited resources. But don't let that stop you from harnessing the power of tech for your mission! My tech guru sidekick Tim and I are bringing you practical tips to engage your flock in this digital world.

Start Small

First up - start small and focus on the basics! Social media, texting, email newsletters - most folks already have smartphones to make this happen.

Consistency is Key

Choose what works for you sustainably!  Don't burn out trying to become a content machine overnight.

Remember the Human Touch

And remember - tech complements your ministry, it doesn't replace that human touch! Keep empowering your people to shine. Like Wayne Cook, who we heard from this episode. After tuning into my podcast chat with an AI expert, Wayne was inspired to try out ChatGPT for writing weekly sermon summary blog posts. Now that's letting tech give you a boost!

In just minutes, ChatGPT whipped up thoughtful blog posts that resonated more than Wayne's own summaries. The bonus time allows Wayne to focus on congregation connections during the week. And the AI-generated content provides new insights he can work into his preaching. It's already sparking more enthusiasm in the pews!

The moral is - don't let limited resources limit your vision! Wayne embraced a simple free tool to take his ministry up a notch. You can too. Shoot me an email if you need ideas! The Spirit moves through people powered by tech just as much as any other ministry.

Stay fired up team! Keep seeking those ways tech can amplify your gospel impact. The right tools are closer than you think. With some prayer and creativity, your small but mighty church can soar to new heights in the digital world. God bless you on this journey!


The Wesley Brother on Church Burnout


Artificial Intelligence Made Me Do IT