UMC Leaders on Future of the Denomination Part 2

We’re back with part two of our special series featuring Rev. Rachel Billups, Rev. Matt Rawle, and Rev. Daniel Ogle, who have been sharing their wisdom on navigating ministry in today’s ever-changing world. If you missed part one, we talked about how pastors are leading their congregations through the post-pandemic, post-disaffiliation landscape with adaptability, creativity, and mission-focused leadership. Be sure to check it out before diving into today’s episode!

In this second part, the conversation gets even more real as we explore some deeply important themes for anyone in ministry leadership: the balance between innovation and rest, how to resist hustle culture, and how new legislation is shaping the future of the United Methodist Church. Here are some of the highlights you won’t want to miss:

Balancing Risk and Rest in Ministry

One of the biggest challenges we face in leadership today is finding the balance between pushing boundaries and taking the necessary time to rest. How can we take risks without burning out ourselves or our congregations? Rachel Billups opens up about how hard it is to slow down, sharing how she’s learning to “move at the pace of grace” in her own ministry.

“We are human beings and not human doings, and our bodies require rest… Some days, I just have to move at the pace of grace.” – Rachel Billups

For those of us who feel like we constantly need to be on the move, this reminder to listen to our bodies and take intentional rest is crucial. And it’s not just about avoiding burnout—it’s about leading with integrity and recognizing that rest is an essential part of our faith.

Breaking Free from Hustle Culture

In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to always be “on” is real. From social media to endless to-do lists, it feels like there’s always more to do. In this episode, we dive into the concept of hustle culture and how it’s impacting ministry. Rachel shared how stepping away from distractions—like social media—transformed her sense of freedom.

“I took them off, and I was like, Holy shit, I have my life back… I didn’t realize how much time I was wasting on social media.” – Rachel Billups

The conversation offers practical strategies for breaking free from the hustle and finding more intentional ways to live and lead. If you’ve been feeling the pressure to constantly be productive, this part of the discussion will resonate deeply.

The Role of New Legislation in the UMC

We also dive into the structural shifts happening in the United Methodist Church, particularly around regionalization and new legislation. While some legislation offers permission for churches to move in new directions, Matt Rawle offers a cautionary perspective.

“Legislation offers permission, but it’s not going to solve the heart issue that was there prior.” – Matt Rawle

The group reflects on how legislation can change structures, but real transformation comes from the heart and from the relationships we build within our congregations.

Navigating Hard Conversations with Grace

A major theme in this episode is learning to navigate tough conversations within our communities. Whether it’s differences in theology, social issues, or personal beliefs, the ability to have respectful and grace-filled conversations is more important than ever.

“Ask anything, listen well, freely disagree, and love regardless.” – Rachel Billups

This model of open dialogue is key to fostering inclusive and compassionate church communities, and it’s a practice we can all benefit from.

We’re so grateful for the wisdom that Rachel, Matt, and Daniel brought to this conversation. It’s a timely reminder that while the challenges of leading in today’s church are many, there are also immense opportunities for growth, transformation, and connection.

If you missed part one of this series, be sure to give it a listen to get the full picture of this powerful discussion. And if today’s episode resonated with you, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Reach out to us through our website or on social media, and let’s keep the conversation going.

Stay tuned for more great content as we continue exploring how we can lead with courage, creativity, and faith in these changing times.

Thanks for reading and watching! Let’s keep pushing forward together.


UMC Leaders Speak on Future of the Denomination